Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day one...

What to say...I have been raised in a very 'Patriotich' family. Throughout the years I have had alot of different opinions and ideas, based on the rumors and news blurbs. I never felt like little ol' me would ever matter anyway, so I sat on those ideas and opinions. However, with media era in its full blown glory. I am able to start voicing my frustrations and ideas. Will anyone read them? I hope so. If not...I shall still write them. This is to voice my own visions. Like them or not, agree or not. I shall bear them in all their glory. I do respect Constructive critisism. It is the fastest and most efficient way to learn. However, I will not allow any intentional negativity to reamain on my blog. Something else that I am certain will come up through out this adventure is my choice of spirituality. Now I call it that, because, to me, it is spiritual. I belong to the LDS faith. Of course it 'colours' my visions, ideas and opinions. However, I would hope that it wouldn't negate them. I am going to lay my little head on my pillow and hopefully have some body refueling. My next blogs will likely focus more on my goals, ideas and hopes. I am afraid for the 20 somethings. Not many even care if they vote or not. This gives the power to men and women, who live who knows where. They get to dictate what is right for our country. Our State. Our County. Our cities and towns. And in the end...our homes. We must become educated. We must be involved in the decisions. We must demand that our Elected Officials do what we paid them to do.

1 comment:

  1. a few things i would like:

    term more than 2, i may be against more than 1.

    we the people vote on their raises. period.

    get the power back from the secretary of the treasury...holy cow, that man is scaring me!
